North Star 265°


The safety of our students both in and outside of school is our number one priority.


Safeguarding is the term used to describe the activities that promote the welfare of our pupils and keeps them safe and free from harm across the North Star Academy Trust and in their lives outside of it. This includes the following:


Protecting young people from abuse whether physical, sexual, emotional or neglectful


Making sure that the Trust’s environment is free from bullying and harassment whether in person or by electronic communication


Making sure that our pupils and students are aware of their own safety when using the internet, particularly when using social media sites and email


Making sure we provide an environment that is safe and protects pupils and students from unnecessary accidents


Recognising the importance of regular attendance at school


Working with a range of external agencies to promote pupil well-being

Please see below the names of the Designated Safeguarding Leads;

Rob Skelton – DSL

Sally Clark (Governor for safeguarding and child protection) 


Safeguarding children is also about child protection. This means the variety of actions that take place to protect children who maybe at risk of significant harm due to emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect. Safeguarding children is a multi-agency concern co-ordinated by the Bristol Safeguarding Children Board (BSCB), the local multi-agency partnership of education, health, police, social care and associated services.

If you are worried about a child and think that they may be the victim of, or at risk from neglect, abuse or cruelty – get in touch with the school (talk to a teacher or the safeguarding leads), a health visitor, doctor or youth worker.  These people can all give you advice about what to do next. Where you think a situation is urgent and a child in danger you should contact the police or your local children’s social care office. In Bristol the number for First Response is 0117 903 6444 or the online reporting link is listed below.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at North Star 265° and the Deputy DSL have yet to be confirmed.

The Safeguarding and Wellbeing Lead across all schools is Mr. Ollie Benzie. 

Any and all safeguarding concerns are to be reported to the DSL’s immediately which will be actioned in accordance with the schools policies and procedures.

Please contact us by email

The nominated Governor for safeguarding and child protection is Sally Clark.


If you would like to do training for parents about online safety then please get in touch with your class staff and we can arrange this for you through National Online Safety

PREVENT:     0800 011 3764

The website is aimed at family and friends and to reach out to communities. The purpose of the site is to increase awareness of the signs of radicalisation, where to go for help and support and to increase understanding and confidence in the referral process. 

Also being launched is a National Prevent advice line for friends/family/community members to call – 0800 011 3764. This number will be staffed by Prevent teams to ensure the advice being given is appropriate and consistent

Get in touch

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