North Star 265°
North Star was born out of a drive to do something different for those who need more...
Formed by the desire to shape futures, North Star emerged...
We remain where others may part...
Equipping young minds to join with their communities...
Forging together the path ahead, travelling alongside...
Our team can bring dreams to fruition. Join us and thrive.

Who We Are

North Star 265° opens in September 2024. We support young children who have been excluded from school, are at risk of exclusion or who exhibit behaviour associated with social, emotional and mental health needs. The school puts an emphasis on the curriculum, transition and early intervention in order to ensure that a reintegration into mainstream education is possible. We work with the schools, parents and carers of our students to successfully reintegrate them back into mainstream with an improved attitude to education, greater positive parental involvement and raised attainment and engagement. 

Testimonials From Across North Star Academy Trust


North Star Academy Trust takes safeguarding very seriously.  Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everybody’s responsibility. It involves:


Protecting children from maltreatment


Preventing impairment of children’s health or development


Ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

Important dates

Term 1

Inset days: TBC

Friday 1st September 2023 – Friday 20th October 2023

Term 2

Inset days: TBC

Monday 30th October 2023 – Friday 15th December 2023

Term 3

Inset days: TBC

Tuesday 2nd January 2024 – Friday 9th February 2024 

Term 4

Inset day: TBC

Monday 19th February 2024 – Thursday 28th March 2024

Term 5

Inset days: TBC

Monday 15th April 2024 –
Friday 24th May 2024

Term 6

Inset day: TBC


Monday 3rd June 2024 –
Tuesday 23rd
 July 2024

Our Accreditations

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